Top 10 Bingo Patterns
One thing you are certainly going to notice as you play online bingo, and that is there are a huge number of different playing patterns you can play, however it is of course dependent on which type of bingo games you are playing. This is where our guide on the top 10 bingo patterns is going to be of interest to you, as below we have listed each and every one of the most popular bingo patterns in play at all of our listed bingo sites, and by having a look through this guide you will soon get your head around how each pattern play out and works!
- Single Line Bingo Pattern – Not the most interesting of bingo patterns but a lot of different bingo variants will play for a single line pattern, this simple requires you to call house when a line, up, down or diagonally has been formed on any one of your bingo cards or bingo tickets.
- Two Line Bingo Pattern – You will also find a selection of online bingo games which offer you a prize when you are the first player to make off on any one of your bingo tickets to full lines of numbers these lines can of course much like the bingo pattern above but up, down or diagonally on any one single bingo card or bingo ticket.
- Full House Bingo Pattern – The best prizes offered on a lot of online bingo games are reserved for players who manage to form and complete what is known as a full house bingo pattern, to complete such a pattern, as the name of it suggests, you need to have marked off all numbers on any one single ticket.
- Four Corners Bingo Pattern – You will also come across what is known as the four corners bingo pattern, this is a bingo pattern on which, to win any one bingo game which is playing with this pattern in play, you need to be the first player to cross off all of the four outside corners numbers on any one ticket.
- Big X Bingo Pattern – Another popular bingo patterns found on a lot of bingo games is the Big X pattern, this involves you simply having to mark off all of the numbers on a ticket in an X pattern so this means both diagonal rows of numbers must be marked off on any one bingo card or ticket to make, form and win that Big X bingo pattern.
- Top, Middle and Bottom Pattern – You will find this top, middle and bottom bingo patterns attached to some 75 ball bingo games, when playing this game you simply have to be the first player to cross off, on any one single bingo card three rows of numbers, which must obviously be the top row across of numbers along with the middle and bottom row of numbers.
- Outside Edge Pattern – Another bingo pattern which is found in play on 75 and 80 ball bingo games is the outside edge bingo pattern, to be a winner on this particular bingo game all of the outside rows of numbers must be marked off on any single ticket you are playing, if they are and you are the first playing to call house then you win the ash prize, if more than one player gets this pattern on the same number called out then the prize is shared.
- Any Four Numbers Pattern – A rather rare but never the less exciting bingo pattern you can play for is the any four numbers pattern, this type of bingo game are extremely fast playing as the winner of any such game played for any four number pattern site first player to get any four numbers crossed off on any ticket or bingo card they have bought!
- W Bingo Pattern – This is another bingo game pattern which is found in play on 75 ball bingo games, the aim is to form he letter W on the bingo card by getting all of the numbers called out that will enable those respective numbers on your 75 ball bingo card to be formed.
- One To Go Bingo Pattern – On some big bingo jackpot games an additional pattern is played for, and this is the one to go pattern and is a form of consolation prize offered to all players who, when the winner of the game called house simply needed just one single number to be called out on any one of their bingo cards.